Final Covenant Version & Voting Information via Ballot {updated Jan ’19 – Voting has Closed}

As many of you know, our Board of Directors has been working for several months on completely overhauling our community’s main legal document, the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions.  With the assistance of an attorney with a lot of experience in helping homeowners associations, we have drafted an amended and restated version of the Declaration of Covenants to replace the one that the developer prepared in 1992. This follows up a Town Hall Meeting that our Association held on September 20, 2018, at which there was ample time for Q&A by the owners who attended.  A copy of the new proposed Amended & Restated Declaration may be found at our Association’s website at and on Facebook.  If you would like a hard copy, please contact us so we can provide it to you.  Our Board requests and encourages all voting residents to make the review of this new Declaration a priority!

In the interest of effectively managing the Hunters Green community, the Board of Directors is focused on completing the ratification of the Amended & Restated Declaration preferably before the end of the year.  

Enclosed is a Ballot for you to complete and return.  We ask that you return it just as soon as possible.  Our Board of Directors eventually will be knocking on doors to collect Ballots from those who haven’t yet returned them, so we would greatly appreciate your return of the Ballot right away!

Ballot for voting on the new Hunters Green Declaration

Final Covenant Draft


If you’re interested, the redline version is below showing all changes

Hunters Green Amended and Restated Declaration-draft 3-shown in redline showing all proposed changes (1)


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