Snow Removal Update

We are a secondary plowing location for our snow removal contractor. Therefore, Hunters Green will not be plowed until the contractor has cleared the lots for their business clients in this area.

Important items to note:

  • Snow removal will take place when snow accumulations are above 4″.
  • Cul-de-sacs will not be plowed where vehicles are parked blocking the snow plows’ passageway. The snow plows cannot maneuver these areas when vehicles are parked in such a small area.
    • This includes the east end of Hunters Green Way (dead end). The snow plow drivers need somewhere to push the snow in order to clear the roads. Large accumulations must be pushed, east to the dead end, on Hunters Green Way.
  • The area in front of the mailboxes will not be plowed. It is the responsibility of individual homeowners to clear that area.

Stay well and be safe,

Hunters Green HOA Board

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