
The Hunters Green Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions sets forth consistent guidelines for the maintenance and enhancements to your house to protect everyone’s property values.

The full covenants and amendments can be downloaded below, but here are a few commonly asked questions:

  • All modifications (such as, but not limited to, fences, decks, roofs, gutters, windows, paint and siding) must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee.  To contact the ACC please find the contact info on our HOA Officers page.
  • Keep your lawn mowed and reasonably free of weeds.
  • Do not keep any unlicensed or inoperable vehicles in the neighborhood, except in your garage.
  • Do not keep any commercial trucks, boats or recreational vehicles in the neighborhood, except in your garage.
  • Only domesticated, household pets are allowed in the neighborhood. You may not keep any animals for breeding or keep for any commercial purposes.
  • No sheds, detached garages, other outbuildings, or above-ground swimming pools are allowed on any lot.
  • Your mailboxes and yard lights must conform to the style that has been set by the Architectural Control Committee.  This includes (and is not limited to) color, shape, size, and location.
  • Fences may not exceed six feet in height and must be approved in advance in writing by the Architectural Control Committee.
  • No fishing, swimming, or boating is permitted in the common area lake.
  • No fences, docks, or piers are allowed on the lake or on the neighborhood lots adjacent to the lake.
  • Only normal passenger vehicles are permitted to be parked within the Hunters Green subdivision (see Section 3.8 for more)
  • Leasing & Rental Restrictions: No more than 5 of the 78 lots may be leased or rented to non-owner occupants at any time. For a period of two years after owner’s acquisition of a lot, said owner cannot lease such lot. Provide a copy of the lease by the owner to the board of directors within 30 days of execution (see Article 10)

Covenants – Updated January 17, 2019


3 thoughts on “Covenants

  1. Pingback: Covenant Updates – Hunters Green, Indianapolis, Indiana

  2. I don’t see anything in the covenants about permanent basketball goals. the original covenants prohibited permeant basketball goals. Please advise.

    • Hi Richard, I am so sorry for my delay in responding. You will find information about Permanent Basketball Goals on page 14 of our covenants. You’ll find our covenants linked on our site at

      Here’s the text of that section of the covenants:
      “Basketball goals and any other structures (statues, flag poles, bird baths, etc.) cannot be placed beyond the front setback line of the home. Portable basketball goals are allowed so long as they are not in the street and cannot be left up on a long-term basis. No permanently installed basketball goals in driveways or on the roofs of homes are permitted.” (p. 14)

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